Thermastone Therapy is the use of warm stones to relax muscles. Sometimes they are placed along the back and spine and sometimes they are used to massage. The warmth soaking in to stressed, tired, and aching muscles is very soothing. The stones I use were gathered from Lake Michigan in 1997 and have spun their magic in thousands of hours of sessions. One day, I expect they will go back to the beach, when I retire them, and their special healing energy will continue. They are about 2 - 3 inches in diameter, less than 1 inch in height are black and very smooth. They give me an extra set of hands, in a way, as I place the warm stones along a person’s spine, but are also an extension of my touch as I hold them and massage my client’s back and the back of their legs and arms with them. Sometimes I place them in their hands to sooth aching fingers and palms.
The benefits of using warm stones for massage include ease of muscle tension and pain, increase of blood flow to the affected area, increase flexibility and range of motion.
Anyone who is experiencing muscle tension and pain, insomnia or stress may benefit from Thermastone Therapy. And, my clients often report that it is their favorite part of the session.