CranioSacral Therapy (CST) uses light touch as the rhythm of the craniosacral system is monitored to detect potential restrictions or imbalances. The craniosacral system surrounds the brain and spinal cord, which composes the central nervous system. After finding restrictions, delicate manual techniques are used to release those problem areas. CST strengthens your body’s ability to take care of itself. It helps alleviate headaches, chronic neck and back pain, chronic fatigue, central nervous system disorders, temporomandibular joint syndrome (TMJ) and many other conditions.
Few body structure have more influence over your health and well-being than your central nervous system. and few body systems have more impact on your central nervous system than the craniosacral system.
The body can absorb the stresses and strains of every day life, causing tissues to tighten with can affect the brain and spinal cord and in turn compromise the functions of the central nervous system which effects every other system in your body.
CST releases tension to allow the the entire body to relax and self-correct. This is a light touch, gentle technique with remarkable results.
I also use a technique called unwinding to allow body systems to relax. This entails taking pressure off the muscle, being quiet and sensitive enough to follow the body movement. In the case of an injury, it is like the body goes through the trauma in slow motion and reverse.