Full Circle Body Therapy
Francine Sandell LMT, CST
Facilitating Body Wisdom
Life is an ascending spiral of experience and as we go along, the potential is there for higher levels of understanding about ourselves, which can include better health and a greater sense of well-being. We come full circle to our own innate ability to heal.
Bodywork is a means for healing physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual issues. My life has been a process of discovering what this means for me personally and, in the past 22 years of practice, how to assist the self-healing attributes in my clients.
Therapeutic Massage Is hands-on touch that communicates positive soothing messages to both body and mind. |
Thermastone Therapy is the use of warm stones to relax muscles. The warmth soaking in to stressed, tired, .............. |
CranioSacral Therapy (CST) uses light touch as the rhythm of the craniosacral system is monitored to detect potential restrictions or imbalances. |
SomatoEmotional Release (Body emotional release). Sometimes a physical injury can plague you long after the site has healed. |